Wednesday, March 2, 2011

BC leads in job losses, posts highest unemployment rate outside Atlantic Canada


       From the past couple of years till now, B.C. has the highest unemployment rate all across Canada. In mid January, B.C. lost 9,100 jobs and was the only province to see significant job losses. Most of the Canadian provinces showed an increase in job gain. For instance, Ontario created 36,300 new jobs in January and Alberta created 21,600 new jobs. In January, B.C. unemployment rate rose to 7.8 percent, which was the biggest increase in the country. The president of the B.C. Federation of Labour, Jim Sinclair, states that B.C. is clearly behind all the other Canadian provinces and that other provinces are continuing to create new jobs to pull themsleves out of recession.


       The article and textbook both explain how people are unemployed all around the world, especially in B.C. Both materials state that the high unemployment rate happen involuntarily. Most people are unemployed because they are lay off, not because they want to quit their jobs out of choices.


      I agree that B.C. has the highest unemployment rate because I know many people are unemployed in B.C. due to the shortest of jobs in the province. In my opinion, the reason that people are highly unemployed in B.C. is because there are too little jobs opportunities avaliable and too many people are unemployed and seeking for jobs.  Also, some work places might whether hire one worker to perform two-three tasks as opposed to hiring two to three workers to perform the tasks, in order to cut costs. I think the governemnt should really use some of their budgets to help the people in B.C. to seek jobs, such as developing some more programs to help individual to land a job.

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