Monday, September 20, 2010

Out of Water: From Abundance to Scarcity and How to Solve the World's Water Problems


The article i read is mainly about how water is running out in many places. Water shortages have occured in some areas such as Southeast England and parts of the southeastern United states. The reason that water is running out is because, people are using water like it is a waste. By saying that people are spending 30 minutes showering, leaving tab waters on and using it for useless reasons. Due to the reduced of water availability it caused crop failures and starvation in developing countries. So to the growing of twenty-first century, water will play a big major role for the entire planet.


Chapter one basically tells us about how water is running out, due to waste of water in many areas. Water is a very important resource, since many people need it for drinking and power supply. That's why water is a scarce, since it has an insufficient amount or supply. By 40-50 years later, many people would begin to realize why water is a scarce, since they would be experiencing the prices of water going up and how many countries would start starvation due to the lack of water.


I never really knew the importance of water, until i read this article. Water is what keeps everyones life going, since many things you have at home are related to water.  After reading this article i would really start looking forward to using water wisely and not wasting it for useless occasions. Because many other countries are lacking from fresh water and are at the point of starvation, while we haven't expierienced any of that yet. Also it surprises me how water used for many ways, not only for drinking.